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ULHPC dotfiles Tests with Vagrant

The best way to test these dotfiles in a non-intrusive way is to rely on Vagrant. Vagrant uses Oracle's VirtualBox to build configurable, lightweight, and portable virtual machines dynamically.

The Vagrantfile at the root of the repository pilot the provisioning of many vagrant boxes generated through the vagrant-vms repository and available on Vagrant cloud.

You can list the available vagrant box as follows:

   $> vagrant status
   Current machine states:

   centos-7                  not created (virtualbox)
   debian-7                  not created (virtualbox)

   This environment represents multiple VMs. The VMs are all listed
   above with their current state. For more information about a specific
   VM, run `vagrant status NAME`.

As suggested, you can run a Debian 7 machine for instance by issuing:

  $> vagrant up debian-7

Then you can ssh into the machine afterwards:

  $> vagrant ssh debian-7

Once within the box, feel free to try the ULHPC dotfiles. You can install them by running:

  $> /vagrant/install.sh      # /vagrant mounts the root of the ULHPC dotfiles repository